Borner Grater PowerLine – food holder included


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The versatile kitchen grater for vegetables, fruit, cheese and chocolate

Homemade breadcrumbs, fine chocolate grating, zests of a citrus fruit, coarsely and finely grated Parmesan… These are all possibilities offered by the versatile Borner kitchen grater PowerLine.
This practical kitchen grater combines the fine and coarse properties of conventional graters in one. With the help of the Food Holder, you can grate quickly and easily across the cheese grater and always have a super result.

We offer you an efficient and space-efficient kitchen grater with which you can easily refine your dishes. Grate fruit, vegetables, cheese, chocolate, peel citrus fruits, raw vegetables such as carrots, radishes or apples and much more. The PowerLine cheese grater is a practical helper when preparing wholesome food. The grater is particularly suitable for grating hard vegetables and hard cheese. Softer cheeses should be stored in the fridge for a while before grating.

Delivery of the kitchen grater includes a Food Holder. We recommend using the Safety Holder, as this is the only way to protect your fingers safely.


  • Grater: 34cm x 13cm x 3.7cm
  • Safety Holder: 15cm x 11.5cm x 6cm

Technical data:

  • Set includes Food Holder
  • Can be used on both sides
  • Large grating surface
  • Coarse and fine grating
  • BPA-free plastic
  • Free from plasticisers and harmful substances
  • Sharp plastic teeth

Discover more graters and cutters from Borner!


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